Our Team

Storytellers, Creators and Innovators. Doers, Dreamers and Thinkers. Makers and Collaborators.
The Studio Leadership
Jan Loomis
Vice President
As vice president of creative marketing, she oversees graphic design, copywriting, advertising, video production and project management, helping address the challenges and providing the encouragement that result in killer work.
Jennifer Hargaden
Director, Media and Billing
Jennifer, our dynamic director of media and accounts, possesses a knack for strategy and a keen eye for detail. With extensive experience in all things marketing, strategy, media and billing, she thrives in creating efficient, comprehensive plans that ensure client success. Her expertise shines through in every aspect of her work, from creating marketing concepts to optimizing ad campaigns and streamlining billing processes. Beyond The Studio, Jennifer is a devoted boy-mom and dog-mom. She finds balance and inspiration in her family's BMX racing adventures, exploring new destinations and hitting the pavement for a run. Jennifer’s passion for travel, fitness and quality time with loved ones fuels her drive for excellence at work and home.
Jennifer McGuire
Director, Creative Content
As director of creative content, Jennifer leads the way in video production, copywriting and social media for The Studio.
Jenny Panitch
Director, Creative Operations
As a director at The Studio, Jenny oversees project management, production, design and creative operations. With more than a decade of experience at Anywhere Real Estate, she is known and appreciated for her strategic thinking and analytical approach – she has a natural talent for finding clarity in complexities and driving informed decisions. She is dedicated to building strong, productive teams, leveraging individual strengths to achieve collective success. It makes for quite a brilliant bunch at The Studio! Outside of work, Jenny enjoys spending time out in nature with her partner, Heath, and their adorable pups, Pippa and Angus Beef.
Katrina Barnes
Billing Manager
With her analytical mind and talent for resolving inefficiencies, Katrina is one of the wizards behind the curtain who keeps The Studio running smoothly. An integral part of the Coldwell Banker family since 2004, she started as an administrative assistant and moved to accounting before establishing herself as The Studio’s billing manager. She’s an avid kayaker with a passion for supporting youth development, serving as Committee Chairman for her sons’ boy scout troop and Merit Badge Counselor for the Boy Scouts’ Southwest Florida Council. On and off hours, she’s her favorite quote made manifest, “go the extra mile. It’s never crowded”.
Jessica Decina
Design Concierge Copywriting Manager
With a background in editing and feature writing for a leading luxury real estate magazine and an eagle eye honed during her six years as a fact-checker and proofreader, Jessica is perfectly matched to lead The Studio’s Design Concierge copywriting team. She oversees and writes a variety of agent branding pieces and is the team’s go-to for questions ranging from word choice to compliance with state rules. Jessica is proud of the work her team produces every day to help agents shine in a sea of competition. A self-proclaimed lover of all things culinary, Jessica spends time outside of work perfecting her homemade pizza recipe and planning her dream kitchen.
Mike Gaudreau
National Account Services Manager, DC
As a specialist in account management, client service, platform assistance and troubleshooting, Mike empowers agents to build strong businesses by supplying them with thoughtful marketing strategies and branding guidance. Nothing is more rewarding to Mike than helping agents define the course of their brand and the direction of their business. A theater major in the past, a graphic designer still and an awesome intramural softball player for 18 years, he proved his winning abilities by taking his league’s world series tournament twice. No matter what Mike sets his mind to, he hits it out of the park every time!
Vanessa Houston
Copywriting Manager
Bringing a multitude of skills and comprehensive experience from the publishing, marketing and nonprofit worlds, Vanessa manages a talented team of copywriters for The Studio. She’s the last set of eyes to review materials before they head out the door to clients and a multitasking whiz who also maintains meticulous style guides and ensures legal disclaimers cover all the bases. Whether crafting prose for a luxury marketing program or confirming the stats and claims in a listing presentation, Vanessa approaches it all with passion, dedication, creativity and a little bit of her trademark sparkle.
Melissa Huntsman
Creative Services Manager, Design Concierge
Melissa wears several stylish hats at The Studio. She has helped to create and develop all the marketing and advertising templates used with the powerful Listing Concierge platform. When not busy with that, her duties include helping The Studio to design marketing plans and strategies that boost agent earning potential. Melissa’s creativity does not stop when she leaves the building, either. On weekends she is a jeweler and metalsmith and loves to paint abstracts!
Dana Jennings
Video Production Manager
Give Dana a task, whether it’s storyboarding a new video or training for a marathon, and he’ll get it done with skill, efficiency and creativity. As leader of The Studio’s talented team of motion graphics designers, Dana’s the mastermind behind the look and feel of a wide range of videos, including product launches, social media stories, tutorials and branding videos. He’s the go-to for posting videos on YouTube, organizing multiple channels and animating anything and everything. When he’s not producing amazing videos, you can find Dana kickin’ it on the soccer field or searching for a good cup of coffee.
Crystal Phillips
Manager, Project Management
Crystal lives and breathes organization – key to leading The Studio’s Design Concierge project management team. Drawing on her prolific background in customer service, operations, marketing and communication, Crystal listens to what clients want and designers need to create impactful marketing pieces. From personal and corporate branding to analytics, problem-solving and team management, Crystal’s professional expertise ensures that every project is delivered flawlessly and on schedule. Before moving to Chicago, this Michigan native lived in New York for 17 years. So, the question is: Chicago deep dish or New York-style pizza? Answer: New York every time.
Moraima Randazzo
Manager, Design & Digital Production
Moraima leads a talented team of production designers and web developers who handle a variety of print and digital production projects and provide content support for various company-specific platforms. Her past experience in both the graphic and digital arenas enables her to marry design and technology, see things from different viewpoints and use her analytic mindset to find solutions for clients. Besides her talent for problem-solving, Moraima has a passion for collaborating with clients and internal team members from The Studio. When she’s not busy with work, you’ll probably find Moraima hanging out with her old-but-faithful Chihuahua, Alex.
Julie Roller
Media Manager
Will work for chocolate! Julie is easygoing, dedicated, hard-working and genuinely cares about the work she does supporting the client’s marketing needs and affiliated agents. While we hear she is out looking for a new hobby, we do know that Julie holds a bachelor’s degree in criminology from Ohio State University – can we get an O-H, I-O!? – and has held her Florida real estate license since 2004.
Sam Rosenfeld
Manager, Creative Operations and Project Management
Attention to detail is what Sam is all about. She serves as the all-important liaison between the agents and the communications team. Sam is an indispensable resource for clients and team members alike. At her core, Sam is a problem solver, finding solutions to keep everything running smoothly is her forte. And don’t underestimate Sam’s adventurous side. She backpacked across Europe for six months by herself! Perhaps we could coax some European vacation stories out of Sam with her favorite Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup candy – we’re all ears, Sam.
Katrinka Sloan
Manager, Creative Services
“Go, fight, win” is the perfect catchphrase for Kat. She’s always on the go, managing a busy team of graphic designers and overseeing the design and production of Coldwell Banker Realty’s Core 4 marketing materials.
Katie Thornton
Director, Design Concierge and Global Materials
With more than 20 years of marketing experience, Katie has successfully led operations, project management and media at Anywhere Real Estate, thanks to her drive and contagious enthusiasm. Today, she is the director of Design Concierge, an in-house agency – with teams in account and project management, copywriting and design – offering exceptional, industry-leading personal branding and marketing materials for real estate agents. Katie’s many skills include the strategic ability to see through the clutter to find the best route, empower her team to take risks and meet new challenges, and above all – deliver.

From brand campaigns to logo design and everything in between, we elevate everything we touch and bring your vision to life. And we’re all here in The Studio.

Meet Our Incredible Team

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If working with a talented team of collaborative, creative people sounds interesting and you want to see more of what we do, follow us on social media.

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