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March 1, 2022

Five Tips for Creating the Perfect Personal Logo

Carma Stahnke
Written By:
Carma Stahnke

Creating an effective logo is a must when establishing a personal brand, and many agents turn to The Studio’s expert graphic designers to help them with this very important task. To deliver a final product that truly captures the agent’s personality and message, designers draw from years of creative experience and artistry while closely following the agent’s style, color and content choices. To help anyone wishing to create just the right logo, here are some helpful tips from The Studio team.

Make it personal. Try to think of some way to make your logo unique to you and your business. Your initials, name or nickname may be a good place to start. If you want to include an image, choose one that represents your clientele and the services you deliver. It might help to think about logos you like or dislike. Also consider images associated with your target audience that they will immediately recognize.

Keep it simple. Your logo should be understood at a glance. An overly complex logo may be confusing, so you want to limit its detail. A simple yet eye-catching logo entices potential clients and contributes to an overall positive impression. Crisp, straight-forward designs are also easier for your target audience to remember, which is important for growing your business through brand recognition. You also want to avoid trends that will look dated in a few years.

Use color. Using only blacks, whites and grays can cause your logo to blend into the background, but you don’t want to choose a color scheme that clashes or causes a negative reaction. Remember that certain colors evoke certain emotions and choose carefully. To help with this step, The Studio provides agents with a variety of choices and color combinations that get a positive reaction from potential clients.

Avoid long taglines. Always keep size in mind when deciding whether or not to include a tagline. Think about the marketing pieces you will use it on. A tagline longer than three words may appear too small, for example, on a farming postcard. Also consider that more and more people are growing their brand through social media. A logo with a lengthy message would be hard to read on a smart phone, which is how growing numbers of consumers get their information today.

Choose your font carefully. Many people think the logo’s font isn’t too important, but it serves to further convey personality and general attitude. It should be compatible with the image, colors and message. If you’d like to make a bold impression, use a strong font. If you want to seem friendly and easy going, choose a font with lots of curves. Whatever type you choose, remember that it is as important as the image and color scheme.

Creating a personal logo is more complicated that it seems. That’s why many agents turn to The Studio’s skilled graphic designers for help. Not only do they create a logo that captures the agent’s vision, personality and professional focus, they are also experts at aligning, spacing and sizing its various elements to get the perfect result! At The Studio, we build your brand, or in this case logo. You make it your own.

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